Outdoor Service Continues
Well, it finally looks like spring is here to stay. Once again this Sunday’s Worship Service will be in the parking lot. I hope you are able to attend. While you are there, please remember to practice social distancing.
This week, I am including an article below on one of the most vital aspects of my Christian walk, “mentoring.” Please read it and feel free to give any feedback.
See you Sunday!
In Christ,
Pastor Tom
Good Morning Faith Family Member!
I pray that you are still well and finding strength in Jesus during this uncertain time in our world due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Over the last few weeks I have been sending weekly e-mails to help encourage you as well as to focus on various topics to equip you to be a better disciple for the Lord. This week I wanted to share on the value of a mentor.
In my Christian journey for over 40 years, the one element that God has used to grow me the most, other than the Bible and the Holy Spirit are Godly mentors. God created us as relational beings; we need one another. And the same holds true when it comes to becoming more like Christ, we need Godly mentors. J. D. Greear, a pastor in North Carolina, speaks of the value of being in a relationship when he warns that living in isolation contributes to the moral failures plaguing our culture.
So what is a Godly mentor? Godly mentors are individuals who motivate, lead, teach and advise in the context of a relationship. Mentoring is nothing new. The author of Proverbs speaks of the value of good mentors in verse 14 of Proverbs 11,“For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.” Throughout the New Testament we have examples of Jesus and Paul who utilized mentoring as a way to grow their followers. Jesus’ process of making disciples was by spending time with twelve men. Of those twelve, he deliberately focused on three, Peter, James and John. The apostle Paul poured his life into a young man by the name of Timothy. Eventually Timothy would become the pastor of the church in Ephesus.
So how does one find a mentor? Prayerfully ask the Lord to point you to someone of the same gender who loves the Lord and is growing in their faith. The next question on your mind may be, “What exactly does this mentoring relationship look like?” The arrangement I have is to meet weekly in-person or over the phone. During that time my mentor is a listening ear who gives affirmation, encouragement, exhortation and advice. The topics we cover are our roles, our Christian walk and our families. We always close the meeting with prayer.
One more thought on the value of mentoring comes from Billy Graham. Years ago the famous evangelist was asked what he might do differently in his ministry if he could do it all again. Paraphrasing, “I’d put less focus on my public ministry, and put more focus on discipling individuals around me that could multiply my efforts. Iwould choose one man each year and I’d bring him up close to me. Then after that year, I’d send that man out into the harvest field to whatever he felt he could do for Jesus Christ.”
Start today to find a Godly mentor by going to God and He will lead you. The results will be eternal!
Pastor Tom