Outdoor Service Continues
Sunday’s Worship Service will be in the parking lot. I hope you are able to attend. While you are there, please remember to practice social distancing.
Hello Faith Family Member!
How are you holding up? I pray the Lord is helping you to be encouraged, meeting your needs and keeping you healthy during this new way of life under the pandemic.
Being that this Thursday is the National Day of Prayer, I wanted to briefly share on the topic of “prayer.” When I became a Christian, I was rather timid and shy when it came to praying to God. I thought that if I said something wrong, I would be in trouble. I was also hesitant to pray in public for fear of being criticized. But as I listened to prayers of other Christians and read the prayers of people in the Bible, I realized that prayer is just talking to God, kind of like how you would talk to a friend. And for the last four decades, no one has ever questioned what I prayed about.One of the forms of prayer I like to employ is called the “A.C.T.S.” method of prayer. This model is based on the “Lord’s Prayer” as found in Matthew 6:9-13. “A.C.T.S.” stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.
– Adoration – Is expressing praise to God for who He is. See I Chronicles 29:11-14
– Confession – Is acknowledging our sins to God. See Proverbs 28:13
– Thanksgiving – Is expressing thanks to God for what He has done. See Psalms 107:8-9
– Supplication – Is seeking God to supply your needs. See Matthew 7:7-11
Now I’m sure you know it’s okay to pray without employing the “A.C.T.S” model of prayer. The big thing is that you take time to communicate with God. Share your heart and listen for His still small voice.
Blessings to you and yours,
Pastor Tom