Wednesday Night Study
“Christian History Made Easy”
We are currently going through a new DVD study that is entitled, “Christian History Made Easy.” The history of the Christian faith is the story of how the life-changing message of Jesus went from Jerusalem to the utter ends of the earth over the last 2000 years.
Come join us. Dinner will be served at 5pm. See you then!
March is Membership Month!
If you have been attending Faith Church for a while and would like to become a member, please speak to someone on the board or Pastor Tom.
2017 North Central District Annual Conference
The 2017 NCD Conference will be at New Hope Church on March 27-28.
Thoughts to Ponder and Act Upon
- Ask your children/grandchildren if they know Jesus as Savior.
- What are the strengths/talents of your children/grandchildren?
- How can you help them develop those abilities?