January News

Please join us for a fellowship time with snacks and beverages every Sunday morning at 9:45 a.m. The Sunday morning service starts at 10:00 a.m.

January is Membership Month

Well, it’s that time of the year again; time to invite you to become a member at Faith EFC if you are not already.

Author Kevin DeYoung wrote an excellent article for The Gospel Coalition, entitled: “6 Reasons Why Membership Matters”;
Below are his reasons:

1. In joining a church you make visible your commitment to Christ and his people.
2. Making a commitment makes a powerful statement in a low-commitment culture.
3. We can be overly independent.
4. Church membership keeps us accountable.
5. Joining the church will help your pastor and elders be more faithful shepherds.
6. Joining the church gives you an opportunity to make promises.
Along with all of those great reasons, I would add one more: 
7. Joining the church gives you the right for government. Meaning when you are a member you can vote and serve in leadership positions that can help advance the kingdom of God.

In closing, let me encourage you to prayerfully consider taking this next step of faith and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me sometime this month.


Pastor Tom 🙂