Wednesday Night Study
Although our regular Wednesday night studies are over, we will be gathering once a month for an activity. The first event will be a picnic at Marv’s on Wednesday, June 14th at 6pm.
Outdoor Worship Services
The arrival of summer means just one thing at Faith Church, Outdoor Worship Services! Beginning Sunday, June 4th at 9:45am, we will start meeting on the parking lot. A potluck lunch will be offered after the service. The church will provide the meat and beverage. Come join us for the message and stay for the meal!
Summer Sermon Series: “Fool Proof Your Life”
Beginning Sunday, June 4th we will start a summer long sermon series based on the book of Proverbs. “Fool Proof Your Life” promises to give biblical keys to becoming a wiser person. Plan on being a part of every Sunday!
Thoughts to Ponder and Act Upon
- Are you a person of praise?
- What things have you praised God for recently?
- What can you praise Him for today?